Yugul Mangi Closure over Christmas and New Year 2019

Yugul Mangi Development offices as well as the Darlala Motel, will be closing over the Christmas and New Year periods. We appreciate everyone’s support in 2019 and are excited to see what 2020 brings!

See below for closures and support staff leave dates.

Darlala Motel/YMD Offices: Shut: 20th December 2019, Reopen: 13th January 2020 

Paul Francis, YMD Interim CEO: 20th December 2019- 14th January 2020 

Brock Schaefer-Walker, YMD Business Manager: 18th December 2019- 16th January 2020 

Zara Burnett, Darlala Motel Manager: 20th December 2019- 6th January 2020 

Please contact Paul Francis on 0436 640 016 if any issues over the Christmas closure period.